Take it as a fact

With deep grief, Annidal Group of the Unemployed Postgraduates, including about 250 members and existing in Rabat, denounces the inhuman and violent attack which the group was subject to by the police, in the near squares of the Parliament on 05/25, 2010, while calling for their just rights: employment, decent living and dignity. In terms of statistics, more than 36 members were badly injured, most critically in sensitive parts like the head, trunk, knees and shins. In this light, the group appeals to all who are concerned, namely human right organizations, political institutions, parties left and right and those who still have a wake spirit to intervene to put an end to the daily sufferings and plight of the ANNIDAL group. Logically and realistically speaking, the group urges the government to instigate the rate of 10%, reserved for the unemployed postgraduates, which it promised before. Although the group welcomes and encourages the promising 2010 Financial Law which elevates the number of proclaimed jobs in public sectors to about 24.000, which is an unprecedented rate, the number remains fictitious to the unemployed groups. Hence, if this initiative is adopted by the government, it surely will eradicate the daily humiliation and agony of Morocco’s gifted human resources needed to erect a healthy modern country.     

                                                    Brahim EL FIDA

                       Rabat, May 2010  

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